2024 CTU Summit Speakers

Plenary Keynotes

Lwanga Herbert

Lwanga Herbert, is a Technology promoter, innovator, researcher, entrepreneur and enthusiast best known for promoting technology, innovation and entrepreneurship for the benefit of communities and society as whole. Additionally, he puts his emphasis on promoting those technologies that address humanitarian challenges that prevail with diverse communities and the world at large. As pioneer chair of IEEE HTB, Lwanga Herbert has made tremendous efforts in steering this organizational unit to take off successfully whereby it is currently in its second year while enabling IEEE volunteer around the world to carry out impactful humanitarian technology activities at the local levels to ensure their concrete transformation and sustainable development. During his tenure as SIGHT chair (2021 – 2022), Lwanga Herbert displayed extemporary leadership which resulted into the increment and growth SIGHT membership to 42,000. Through his able stewardship, he successfully contributed towards the establishment of IEEE Subsection which subsequently became a full section. His continued guidance resulted into transforming the section into one of the active and fasting growing organizational units in region 8. In the same respect he has passionately and openly shared his project management skills which has enabled other IEEE volunteers to implement humanitarian projects and solutions that have impacted and benefited communities globally. By volunteering to serve in various IEEE positions e.g. EPICS in IEEE, IEEE, Lwanga contributed towards enabling these entities to fulfil their goals and objectives of advancing the noble cause of humanity. Due to his strong passion for STEM and humanity, Lwanga co-founded Log’el Science Foundation through which he continues to encourage, inspire and motivate young learner’s to pursue STEM driven career paths while at the same time enabling engineering and technology students to utilize their innovative knowledge and skills to address real-life challenges in communities using humanistic approaches. In his career development, he also co-founded LOG`EL GROUP Ltd a technology company which emphasizes use of local talent to develop technology solutions that address locally based challenges and concerns. Through this approach, the local talent is bound to grow and develop as it addresses societal challenges using a home grown approach. Previously, he has won different awards among others which includes the Ugandan Presidential Innovation Award 2005 – that focused on rewarding young innovators.

Prof. (Dr. ) Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh

Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh serves as the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Provost) of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and is also the Dean and Professor at the Amrita School for Sustainable Futures. She earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, where her research, titled “Wireless Sensor Network to Detect Rainfall-Induced Landslides,” played a pivotal role in developing the world’s first-ever Wireless Sensor Network system for landslide warnings. This groundbreaking technology has received multiple U.S. patents.

Under Dr. Maneesha’s leadership, the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks has been recognized as a World Centre of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction (WCoE) by the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) for its innovative research in landslide disaster early warnings. In November 2023, the center was honored with the prestigious IPL-Kyoto Landslide Consortium (KLC) Award for Success during the 6th World Landslide Forum in Florence, Italy. Additionally, in October 2023, Dr. Maneesha and her team received the Averted Disaster Award for their pioneering efforts in landslide early detection.

Dr. Maneesha also holds an MBA in Systems Management and Financial Management from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. In recognition of her contributions to sustainable development, the United Nations awarded Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham the UNESCO Chair on Experiential Learning for Sustainable Innovation & Development on June 12, 2020. A frequent contributor to internationally renowned journals, Dr. Maneesha writes extensively on topics such as Computer Science, Wireless Communication, Disaster Management, and Sustainable Development. Her consistent recognition as one of the Top 2% Scientists Worldwide, a distinction published annually by Stanford University, underscores her stature as a leading scientist.

Session Keynotes