RangaRao Venkatesha Prasad
Dr. R Venkatesha Prasad is an associate professor at the Networked Systems group of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). At TU Delft, he has supervised 21 PhD students (19 graduated, 2 ongoing) and 62 MSc students. He has (co-)authored more than 300 publications in peer-reviewed international transactions/journals, Patents, and conferences in the areas of Tactile Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Energy-harvesting, 60 GHz mmWave networks, Smart energy systems, Personal networks, Cognitive Radios and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Dr. Venkatesha Prasad received his 4TU University Teaching Qualification diploma with excellence in 2014. Recognizing his research contributions to IoT, he has been selected as an IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer on the Internet of Things for the period 2016-2018. He has been contributing significantly to valorizing research to practice by contributing to standards on Cognitive radios and Tactile Internet. He is currently mentoring the IEEE Tactile Internet standardization group. He is also leading many IEEE activities through positions on standards boards (secretary in the ComSoc standards board) and technical committees. He is on the editorial board of many international transactions and magazines and is a regular TPC member for many prestigious journals and conferences. He was responsible for the signing of the MoU between IISc – TU Delft. He was the Deputy Project Director for Lunar Zebro – a moon rover project. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM. He is a Fellow of IETE. He completed his PhD from IISc, and during his PhD research, a scalable VoIP conferencing platform was designed. His thesis work led to a start-up venture, Esqube Communication Solutions. While at Esqube, eight patent applications and three PCT applications were filed along with his colleagues. He was instrumental in Esqube’s selection as top 100 IT innovators in India in 2006 by NASSCOM and the top 100 promising companies in Asia by RedHerring in 2008. Recently, he led a student team to win the worldwide Airbus challenge — Fly Your Ideas (2019).