Periklis Chatzimisios
Periklis Chatzimisios serves as a Professor in the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering at the International Hellenic University (Greece). Moreover, he has been awarded the title of Researcher Professor by the University of New Mexico (USA). He is also a Visiting Fellow in the Faculty of Science & Technology, Bournemouth University (UK). He is currently serving as Vice-Chair for Working Group 1 (Use cases, KPIs and future market and business scenarios), Chair of the Working Item 213 (Multimodal sensing, computing, communication and control for 6G remote operation) and a Board Member for the one6G Association.
Dr. Chatzimisios is/has been involved in several standardization and IEEE activities mainly under the IEEE Communication Society. Serving as the co-Chair of the Communications and Networking Committee for the IEEE Public Safety Technology Initiative, Chair of the ComSoc Young Professionals (YP) Standing Committee, co-Chair of IEEE Connecting the Unconnected (CTU) Summit and as a Member of the ComSoc Education Services Board, the ComSoc Standards Program Development Board and the ComSoc Industry Outreach Board.
He is the Chair of the Communications Chapter and Professional Activities for the IEEE Greece Section.
Prof. Chatzimisios has participated as a researcher/scientific officer and holds various management positions as Coordinator/WG Chair/Vice Chair and Training/Standardization Chair in several European and national research and development projects funded by European Commission, Institute of International Education (IIE) and national agencies. He is in the Top 2% Most Influential Scientists in the Stanford University list (years 2020-2023) in the area of Networking & Telecommunications.