Oleg Missikoff
Education |
- PhD in Organization of Business Information Systems at the Free International University of Social Studies “LUISS” in Rome. Title of the dissertation: “Cultural Information Systems: Valorising the Territory as a Key Resource for Socio-economic Development”. The year abroad was spent in Boston at MIT and Harvard Business School, where he worked with Prof. Shoshana Zuboff.
- Master in Computational Archaeology (MLitt) at University of Oxford, Christ Church College. Research topic: Knowledge Management in Archaeology.
- Degree in Humanities at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. Title of the dissertation: “Application of an Artificial Intelligence System for the Analysis of Archaeological Data”.
Core Competencies & Skills |
Lifelong experience in university teaching and designing training curricula, in coordinating international research and innovation projects (e.g. European Framework Programmes), and in the organization of academic events (e.g. conferences and workshops).
Business management
Project management (Agile/Canvas), organizational behaviour, management information systems, business process modelling and reengineering, workflow mgmt, team building, risk assessment and business continuity mgmt.
Digital transformation strategies, digital twin technologies, no code applications, socio-technical systems, knowledge management (ontologies, interoperability), DBMS/SQL, (eco)systems innovation, dashboard design, stakeholder requirement analysis and specification.
Social and ethno-anthropology
Indigenous knowledge, intercultural and interethnic mediation, African studies, field experience (Gambia, Guinea Conakry, Uganda).
Language skills
Bilingual Italian-English, fluent in French, basic working proficiency in Spanish.
Professional and Scientific Activities |
- From 2023 he is an adjunct professor of Digital Humanities at Sapienza University of Rome.
- Co-founder, in September 2021, of the Earth 3.0 Foundation with headquarters in London (UK) and a branch in Kampala (Uganda) with ongoing projects in 10 African countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea, Uganda, Burundi, Mozambique, Zambia and South Africa).
- Founder, In March 2020, of Earth 3.0 think tank which, after a year of research and strategic planning, in the spring of 2021 defines two lines of development:
- Genius Loci. This project addresses a human centred digital transformation of territories based on state-of-the-art technologies (IoT,big data analytics, AI, Digital Twins, user experience and Extended Reality) aimed to valorise cultural and environmental resources of each territory.
- Eur-Africa. This program addresses the three major emergencies of our time (health, climate, economic) through the development of an evolved model of development cooperation between Europe and Africa, mainly based on digital transformation (e-learning, telemedicine, fintech).
- Since 2016 he has been involved in humanitarian activities in Africa with extended stays in The Gambia, Guinea Conakry and Uganda.
- 2013 to 2016: Chairman of Industrial Holding Spa.
- 2010 to 2012: Scientific consultant in the project for the creation of the Centre of Excellence and the Registry of Competences for the Technological District of Culture in the Lazio Region.
- From 2006/2007 to 2011/2012 he collaborated with the Faculty of Law of the University of Perugia, Degree in Legal Services Sciences as contract professor of Business Organization.
- From 2008 to 2010 he collaborated with Filas (Lazio Region Finance Agency for Development) in defining the guidelines for the design of the Technological District for Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Lazio Region (DTC/CoE).
- From 2001 to 2011 he was scientific coordinator of the “Tourism and Cultural Heritage” sector for the Research Centre on Information Systems (CeRSI) at LUISS Guido Carli University.
- In the fifteenth edition of ECIS (European Conference on Information Systems), held in St. Gallen from 7 to 9 June 2007, he is Track Chair of the session on Cultural Heritage and Tourism.
- Member of the organizing committee of the seventh edition of MCIS (Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems), held from 6 to 8 October 2006 in Venice.
- From June to December 2005, on behalf of Filas (the Lazio Region Finance Bank for Development), it develops a feasibility plan for the creation of a Multiregional District for the new technologies applied to cultural heritage and the Lazio Region’s tourist-cultural offer.
- Co-curator of the World Expo “Imagining Ancient Rome”, held at the Trajan Markets (Rome) from 15 September to 20 November 2005.
- In the thirteenth edition of ECIS (European Conference on Information Systems), held in Regensburg from 26 to 28 May 2005, he is Track Chair of the session on Cultural Heritage.
- Curator of the “E-culture, U-tourism, and Virtual Heritage” Workshop during the twenty-fifth edition of ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems) in Washington on 12 December 2004.
- Within the ninth edition of the “Archäologie und Computer” Workshop, held in Vienna from 3 to 5 November 2004, he is Track Chair of the session on Cultural Tourism.
- From April to October 2004, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rome, Secretariat for Innovation and Development, he participated in the drafting of the feasibility study for a Virtual Heritage Centre in Rome.
- In collaboration with the Minerva Project and the Italian Office of the World Wide Web Consortium, he curated the organization of the 1st Workshop on “Knowledge Representation for a Semantic Web of Culture”, held on the 6th of July 2004 at Palazzo Massimo, Rome.
- During the CAA 2004 conference, “Beyond the artifact – Digital interpretation of the past”, he curated the organization of the workshop “eCulture: an innovative concept for the management of Cultural Heritage”, held in Prato on April 12, 2004.
- • From May 2001 to September 2001, on behalf of the Research Centre on Information Systems of Luiss University, he coordinates the organization of the “OES: SEO 2001” Workshop (Open Enterprise Solutions: Systems, Experiences, and Organizations).
- In 2000 he is a consultant for T-6 SCaRL which coordinates a European project for the implementation of next generation mobile technologies (WAP, GPRS, UMTS, etc.) in the tourism domain. This project involves the creation of a semantic and technological interoperability platform that allows communication between devices and protocols of different nature based on (then) new languages and technologies (XML, Jini, Bluetooth, etc.).
- In 1998 he collaborated with the Research Centre on Conceptual Systems for the development of a web-based system for the management of tourist-hotel activities.
- In collaboration with the AICA (Italian Association of Automatic Computation), the Civita Consortium and the CNR (Italian National Research Council), he oversaw the organization of the “Informatics and Archeology” study day, held on 6 June 1994 in Rome.