Mohammed Alotaibi, PhD
He is the Deputy Governor of Radio Spectrum, Communication and Information Technology Commission, Saudi Arabia. Mohammed has over 15 years of experience in the field of spectrum policy. He has been involved in many national and international spectrum management activities including overseeing 4G and 5G spectrum auctions, reviewing spectrum policies for a number of countries in collaboration with ITU BDT, and drafting Saudi Arabia’s National Spectrum Strategy 2020-2025.
He has an academic and applied background in the area of quantitative policy analysis, technology, and decision-making, where he authored a number of papers and reports, taught courses, conducted workshops, and provided consultancy and advisory services for several organizations. Mohammed holds an MSc and a PhD in Engineering and Public Policy, from Carnegie Mellon University. He also holds an MSc from the University of Pennsylvania and a BSc from the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, both in Electrical Engineering.