Minh Ngo
Is the co-founder cum General director of Will to Live Center which is providing free IT training and job support for people with disabilities in Vietnam.
With more than 14 years work with people with disabilities and over 10 years of experience in Human resource and management. She started up this business in order to establish an inclusive study and working environment for the disabled, especially disabled women; because she is convinced that education helps PWDs to find employment and generate an income.
She believes the best workplace for PWDs is where they feel like their home, where they can receive personalized and continual care from their extended family members; especially for PWDs with mobility issues, working from home provides immense savings in time and cost in transporting in Vietnam’s congested traffic.
It is such a rough journey that she saw how computers, technology and the internet really changed their lives. They have jobs, more friends and they really touched the world with their finger! even by their toes as some of them have to use the keyboard by feet instead of hands!
We have trained more than 1500 people with disabilities and more than 70% of them now are having decent jobs. Since the start we committed to keep the staff with at least 40% PWDs (now more than 50%). And all the shareholders committed their support in sustainable inclusion by contributing their profit each to fund for vocational training for PWDs and disadvantaged groups and the philanthropic work in the country.