Fawzi Behmann

Fawzi is the founder and president of TelNet Management Consulting Inc., which offers international professional services in technology trends and smart networking ecosystem solutions. He has held executive and leadership positions in communications and networking with Tier 1 companies in Canada and the U.S. Notably, he served as the chief architect for the development of Telecom Network Management systems for global carriers, as well as for edge/core product releases at a networking company. Additionally, he was the director of strategic marketing for SoC semiconductor product lines.
As a distinguished lecturer and keynote speaker at national and international conferences, Fawzi has several publications, including co-authoring a book on Collaborative Internet of Things. He is also a co-founder of the “IoT in Healthcare Consortium” of the Intelligent Health Association and serves as a faculty advisor at Texas State School of Engineering. He is a member of IEEE-HKN.
In his capacity as a senior member and volunteer with IEEE, Fawzi currently serves as the Director of the Industry Outreach Board (IOB), Chair of the Future Networks Technical Community (FNTC), and IEEE Conference Committee Liaison to MGAB. Previously, he was the North America Director for the Communications Society and a Board of Governors member, as well as a voting member of the IEEE Conference Committee. He has also held roles as Co-Chair of the Future Network Education Working Group, Co-Chair of the IEEE Transdisciplinary Framework Working Group, and contributor to the Future Network Roadmap’s security, applications, and services working groups. Fawzi has chaired several conferences, summits, and panels, including serving as General Chair for IEEE WCNC 2022.
Fawzi has received multiple awards for his professional leadership, including the IEEE USA Professional Leadership Award, IEEE Communications Society NAB Exceptional Service Award, IEEE ComSoc Chapter of the Year Award, Chapter Achievement Awards, and the CEO Diamond Chip Award, among others. He holds an MBA, a master’s degree in computer science, and a bachelor’s degree in science with Honors in Mathematics with Distinction.