Alex Tyers-Chowdhury
Alex Tyers-Chowdhury is a gender digital divide specialist, with 20 years of experience in the field. As a senior consultant and advisor, Alex has worked on gender digital divide research, policy and advocacy for gender x digital programming, as well as on-the-ground implementation building products and solutions. She particularly enjoys creating digital products and services for women and girls across sub-Saharan Africa,
South and Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and Central America; this includes many years living in Bangladesh building digital solutions for adolescent girls. Most recently, Alex has worked as Senior Advisor in Gender Equality and Digital Connectivity for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. She is also the Product and Partnership Lead for Oky, a period tracker and sexual and reproductive app for
adolescent girls, developed by UNICEF Gender and Technology, and live across 13 countries worldwide. Based between Malaysia and Bangladesh, Alex has also previously worked with GSMA Mobile for Development, USAID, BBC Media Action, the Alliance for Affordable
Internet, the Web Foundation, UNCDF, World Health Organisation, Girl Effect, GIZ and the World Bank, as well as several mobile operators and an edtech start-up. Alex holds an undergraduate degree from University of Nottingham and a Masters degree from University College London, specialising in the gender digital divide.