Abdullateef Aliyu
Abdullateef is the General Manager of projects in Phase 3 Telecom, an aerial fiber-optic network infrastructure provider in West Africa, and the VP of IEEE Smart Village where he chairs the Africa Working group. He received his bachelor’s degree from Bayero University Kano (BUK), and master’s in ICT from the Northern University of Malaysia with Honors. He is an Alumnus of the United States telecommunication training institute (USTTI), Washington DC.
He worked as a business solutions manager with Suburban West Africa in 2010 and joined phase 3 Telecom in 2013. He has deployed numerous high-profile Long-haul and metro fiber projects in Nigeria and across Sub-Sahara Africa for Mobile Network Operators (MNO). He recently led the implementation of the Phase 3 telecom 100G transmission network.
Some technical and leadership roles held by Abdullateef include and not limited to Board Member of IEEE Smart Village, President of of Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley Smart Village, Vice President-IEEE Smart Village Africa working group, where he built a community of African representatives now in 44 countries in the continent providing underserved communities with solutions in line with sustainable development goal (SDG) with a clear plan to reach the entire continent.
Abdullateef is a recipient of several awards that includes the MGA Board Young Professionals Achievement Award 2019.