Fawzi Behmann
President TelNet management Consulting Inc.
IEEE ComSoc NA Director, BoG member and Distinguished Lecturer
Fawzi is currently the founder and president of TelNet Management Consulting Inc. offering international professional services in the areas of technology trends; positioning and building smart networking ecosystem solutions in key markets. Prior, Fawzi held various executive and leadership positions with Tier 1 companies in the areas of communications and networking in Canada and US. He championed the development of Telecom Network Management systems, led efforts in rolling out product releases for network edge and core and marketing SoC product line and roadmap.
Fawzi has been a keynote speaker and distinguished lecturer at several domestic and international conferences and events. He has several publications and co-authored book on “Collaborative Internet of Things for Future Smart Connected Life and Business” published by Wiley.
Fawzi volunteered at IEEE, and is currently ComSoc distinguished Lecturer and North America Director for Regions 1-7 (serving 95 chapters and over 10,000 members) and BoG voting member. Fawzi championed the delivery of several conferences and summits and has has been the general chair for IEEE WCNC 2022 international wireless conference held in Austin (April 10-13) and also offered as hybrid format. Fawzi Co-Chair IEEE SA Transdisciplinary Framework working groups and contributor to IEEE Future Direction Initiatives. Fawzi is a voting member of IEEE Conference Committee. He chairs multiple joint chapters on Communications, signal processing, Computer, EMBS and Consumer technology. Prior, Fawzi was Region 5 conference committee chair and Central Texas chair.
Fawzi received multiple awards including IEEE Communications Society NAB Exceptional Service Award (2020 and 2021); IEEE Communications Society North America Director for regions 1-7 (2020-2021);
IEEE Leadership Section chair for Central Texas Section (2017-2018); IEEE USA Professional Leadership Award (2017); ComSoc Chapter Achievement Award (2021); IEEE ComSoc Chapter of the Year and Chapter Achievement Awards (2020, 2017, 2015); MGA Regional outstanding Member Award (2013, 2014 and 2015) and Freescale CEO Diamond Chip Award (2008).
Fawzi has MBA, Masters in Computer Science, Bachelor in Science with honors in Mathematics with distinction.