Mei Lin Fung
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Twitter: @meilinfung
Digital interdependence is reshaping human society and economies. Mei Lin works on ensuring people and stewarding our planet are at the center of the Internet which is becoming “the infrastructure that underlies all infrastructures.” As Chair of the People Centered Internet which she co-founded with Vint Cerf in 2015, she is building resilient communities with digital supply chains and finance, harnessing data so that all community members can thrive.
She served as Chair of the Core Planning Committee for Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the Computer Mouse. As Socio-Technical lead for Federal Health Futures at the US Department of Defense, she served as a subject matter expert for Networked Communities.
She “god-mothered” the development of CRM, Customer Relationship Management first at Oracle under Tom Siebel’s leadership from 1989-1991, then as CRM thought leader with CRMTalk, an online community that grew from 0 to 300,000 in 1 year in the mid-1990s. Realizing current practices for tech were leading to increasing harm to her interest in the design of people-centered eco-systems led her to co-found the People-Centered Internet with Vint Cerf, building relationships with the IEEE, World Economic Forum, the World Bank, UN, SalesForce, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, MasterCard, SAP, and others.
Mei Lin is active as a Senior Member of the IEEE serving on the Executive Committee of the Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) and the Society for the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) where she chairs the Sustainability Technical Committee. She serves on the advisory council of Govstack, a UN initiative to develop common technology building blocks for digital government services. Mei Lin is a Singaporean citizen who has lived in the US since 1982. She was recently named the Hasso Plattner Institute Fellow, distinguished recipients of this award include Angela Merkel, Vint Cerf, and Alan Kay.
Co-Chair, 2022 UN Commission on the Status of Women Expert Roundtable: Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa & Middle east – theme Digital Innovation
Hasso Plattner Institute Fellow 2022
Women of the Forum Award, Women’s Economic Forum 2020
Top 10 Finalist, GEAR Challenge – USA Office of Management & Budgets challenge for citizen engagement for better customer experience 2018
Shortlisted for Woman of the Year – Silicon Valley, Information Age, 2018
Phillip R Crosby Golden Medallion – American Society of Competitiveness 2007
Judge – Greater China CRM Awards 2003-2007